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Kanye West mocked for revealing phone’s passcode live on international TV

Kanye West mocked for revealing phone’s passcode live on international TV

11 months ago

Kanye West mocked for revealing phone’s passcode live on international TV

11 months ago

Kanye West’s meeting with Donald Trump in the White House’s Oval Office was an extraordinary, swear-filled sight to behold which was viewed globally.

Given that news cameras were broadcasting the meeting across the world, you might have imagined that the rapper would have shielded his passcode when he went to show the US president something on his phone – but, alas, he did not.

That’s right, his passcode is all zeroes.

Naturally, he’s been getting some stick for it too.

While many found it funny, others thought people were being a little anal.

All in all though, the passcode was admittedly just one bizarre moment in an odd afternoon – including the moment West showed Mr Trump what was on his phone.

Things can only get stranger.

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